• Understand the core elements of a business plan
  • Apply an effective business planning model and process
  • Develop a clear strategic vision
  • Identify and analyse external and internal influencers
  • Use scenario planning and business forecasting
  • Set goals and objectives
  • Develop practical strategies for markets, people and processes
  • Document and communicate the business action plan
  • Obtain support and resources for the business plan
  • Monitor business performance


Business unit heads, business strategists, developers of business plans, analysts and researchers supporting the development of business plans, all people required to contribute to and implement business plans


Foundation Concepts

  • The importance of business planning for organizational success
  • The elements of a business plan
  • A practical business planning model and process
  • Organizing for business planning
  • Identifying and engaging stakeholders
  • Defining your focus and key success factors
  • Practical work using a case study

Analyzing the Business

  • The five strategic questions
  • Gathering the right information
  • Analysing the competitive domain – the four Cs
  • Analysing the internal and external environment
  • Identifying drivers for change
  • Scenario planning and business forecasting
  • Practical business analysis work


Formulating Business Strategy

  • Developing a vision and mission statement
  • Strategic positing and strategic options
  • Competitive strategy – cost leadership versus product differentiation
  • Practical product and service strategies
  • Practical business process strategies
  • Practical people and organisation design

Implementing Business Plans – Making Change Happen

  • Linking action to strategy – the action planning process
  • Selecting performance measures and setting objective
  • How to write and communicate action plans that achieves results
  • Aligning products and services to meet the strategic vision
  • Designing processes and allocating resources to achieve strategic objectives

Monitoring, Evaluation and Control

  • Monitoring business performance
  • Maximising opportunities and cutting losses
  • Taking corrective action
  • Creative problem solving
  • Analysing success, failures and lessons learned
  • Improving your business planning process