Shape your path with a credible certification today

Blue Ocean Academy receives the Global Training and Development Leadership Award 2017

Blue Ocean has tied up with the best international institutes to offer students the international certification opportunities. We join other iconic personalities from 25 countries who have made stellar contributions in the field of training development and leadership. Its proud moment for Blue Ocean and also the man who has transformed the face of logistics and supply chain training in Dubai and Middle East.

How professional certifications benefit individuals?

Generally, professional certifications strengthen the candidates’ resume, help them enjoy hiring preferences and improve their career advancement opportunities. By getting the experience of a course enhances their professional confidence and satisfaction and make them highly esteemed assets of their organization. More specifically, becoming qualified lets professionals:

  • Exhibit increased skills and abilities.
  • Earn higher wages than their counterparts.
  • Enjoy career growth and advancement.
  • They are highly valued in their organization.
  • They possess industry wide knowledge.
  • They have theoretical know-how in quality methods and principles.

What others say about Blue Ocean

I highly recommend Six Sigma Green Belt Certification by IQF, USA, which sharpen my skills in analyzing data and finding out solutions to improve systems in a company through minimising defects.

—Ms. Shahinda Khalifa

I’m confidently going back to the company where we already selected some projects for implementing the techniques learnt.

—Mr. Rao

Effective utilization in my work. Great institute great training. Thanks to six  sigma within a couple  of months I have been promoted as the vice president of my company.

—Ms. Sadia

Start today with Blue Ocean Academy!

Give value to your career with one of the upcoming courses! Check them out today and contact us for any further information.