Interpersonal skills are the skills we use every day when we communicate and interact with other people, both individually and in groups. People with strong interpersonal skills are often more successful in both their professional and personal lives.

Course Objective: 

  • Identify and Discuss the Importance and Key Characteristics of Effective Interpersonal skills at the work place
  • Assess Potential and Real Barriers to Your Successful Use of Interpersonal skills
  • Apply Perception-Checking Skills to Reduce Misunderstandings and Faulty assumptions
  • Recognize the Differences Among Assertive, Non-Assertive, and Aggressive Behaviors

Course Outcome: 

  • Recognize the Expectations Your Manager, Peers, Employees, and Others in the company
  • Identify How Perceptions Shape and Influence Your Interaction with Others & their response to you
  • Recognize and Appropriately Respond to Expressions of Emotion at Work
  • Analyze Cross-Cultural Interactions to Maximize Shared Understandings
  • Recognize Common Verbal Barriers to the Creation of Shared Meaning
  • Recognize Interpersonal Behaviors That Contribute to the Productive or destructive nature of conflicts

For more Details Contact : +97143148500

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