Pioneered by Toyota, Lean Management has become the buzzword in every industry. It is not just a set of tools; it is a strategy and philosophy. Adopting the Lean principles helps the organization to make its processes better, cheaper and faster. It enables the organization to achieve ‘more for less’ and thus improve its competitive edge.

This two-day workshop will introduce you to the principles of Lean Management and enable you to implement waste elimination and defect reduction in the key processes of your organization
What Will Students Learn?
- Understand and appreciate the concepts of Lean
- Define the Lean Thinking philosophy
- Undertake value analysis of processes
- Identify and eliminate process wastes
- Apply value stream mapping to identify improvement opportunities
- To strive for perfection
- Disseminate the Lean culture in the organization
What Topics are Covered?
- Mass production versus lean production
- The principles of Lean
- The House of Lean
- Value stream mapping
- A3 Problem solving
- Jidoka, Zero Quality Control and Mistake proofing